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Can cats have blueberries? This question is one of the most common and frequently asked among cat owners. Cats are classified as obligate carnivores meaning their diet consists of meat. However, blueberries are among the few treats you and your cats can enjoy together. So the answer is yes! Your fur babies are safe around a moderate amount of blueberries.
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There are a variety of fruits you can feed your cat, and blueberries are among the ones recommended. There are also several health benefits found in blueberries that might be helpful to you and your cat.
These fruits are an excellent source of vitamin c and are recognized for their antioxidants properties. To help you familiarize yourself with the health benefits associated with blueberries, we have rounded up a few points to assist you in making the right choice concerning your pet’s diet.
Health Benefits Blueberries Offer Your Cat
The majority of research conducted about blueberries’ health benefits is mostly regarding humans and dogs; however, these health benefits can also pertain to cats.
1. Vitamins and Minerals
Blueberries are jam-packed with vitamin C; it is essential to both humans and cats. Vitamin C will help your cat retain healthy skin and boost immunity in your pet. Other minerals found in this fruit that offers excellent health benefits include; vitamin E, Vitamin K1, and manganese.
2. Blueberry Extract as Cat Food Preservative
The market is full of cat food containing blueberry extract. Cat owners are advised to buy food containing blueberries because of their antioxidant benefits. These traits are said to come in handy in healing urinary tract infections in your cat.
In contrast to the assumptions that blueberry extracts trigger high carbohydrates and sugar levels in cats, the fruit retains natural antioxidants characters that act as a natural preservative by slowing down oxidation.
3. High-level of Fiber Content
Blueberries are said to contain good fiber that will help your cat improve bowel movement during digestion. They are well-thought-out to relieve constipation and encourage digestion.
How Many Blueberries Can Cats Have?
Cats are obligate carnivores; the majority part of their diet should contain meat. However, occasional fruit treats now and again are also healthy for your fur baby. Meat should make up 90% of your cat’s diet, and you utilize the remaining 10% on treats such as blueberries and veggies.

Blueberries have beneficial traits that will help your cat achieve a healthy balanced diet. However, pet owners are discouraged from overfeeding blueberries to their cats; they only require anything from 2-4 pieces a day or even less.
Cats can easily digest vegetables and fruits; however, too much ingestion can be a potential health risk to your fur baby. Research shows that ingesting too many berries will lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
It is important to note that diarrhea and constipation in cats is a severe condition. In addition to that, your pet may even die, depending on the number of berries ingested. Therefore, it is wise to check in your cat to a vet if constipation does not die down on its own within 24-36 hours.
Introducing Cats to BlueBerries
Introducing blueberries into your cat’s diet is not such a challenging task because cats love to nibble down on snacks. Cats don’t have a sweet tooth; their feline’s receptors are unable to detect sugar. Cats are typically neophobic, meaning they love trying out new tastes and textures. They are more likely to enjoy the berries’ texture and wetness simply because they are generally interested in the surface and other qualities, excluding taste.
You can gradually introduce your cat to blueberries by slicing the berries into small pieces or grind them so your cat can smell the juice. If that does not work, you can add mashed berries to their food. If they are still not interested, leave it be, do not force it on them. It is also essential to talk to your vet concerning adding new ingredients to your cat’s diet; if they agree with you, then you can go ahead and add blueberries to your fur baby’s diet.
What Kind of Blueberries Can Cats Eat?
Can cats eat blueberries? Yes, but what kind? During the early stages, you are encouraged to introduce raw berries to your cat. However, cats can also eat cooked berries; your primary concern should revolve around berries sprayed with pesticides. You are therefore encouraged to wash the berries thoroughly before feeding them to your cat.
Can Cats have Frozen Blueberries?
Frozen blueberries are safe for your cat; however, this will solely depend on your cat’s preference to consume them. Some cats enjoy frozen blueberries, while some don’t find them appealing. The only negative aspect of cold blueberries is their temperature. Cats may have a hard time trying to bite into them, so you may have to help break it down by cutting it into small pieces.
Can Cats Have Fruit?
Now that we’ve answered, “can cats eat blueberries?” you might be wonderin if cats can eat other fruit. Blueberries might be the most recommended fruit for your cat; however; it is not the only fruit your cat can enjoy. Other fruits and vegetables are also good for your cat’s fiber dietary. Such fruits include; strawberries, watermelons, and apples.
Other alternative vegetables containing high-fiber nutrients you can feed your cat include Pumpkins. They are the ideal option for that. They help reduce constipation in cats and also help during indigestion. Other veggies to include in your diet include carrots and broccoli. It, however, solely depends on your vet’s advice.
Blueberries are superfoods due to their many health benefits. Blueberries contain adequate fiber and other compounds that may be helpful to your fur baby. These berries are jam-packed with health benefits for humans, but our feline counterparts also require them.
Cats’ being obligate carnivores, their diet primarily involves meat and food that provide proteins. However, cats also ingest grains and vegetables; the only downside is that they take longer to digest carbohydrates than proteins from meat. Cats with specific health conditions are, however, advised against ingesting blueberries. You are therefore encouraged to visit a vet before adding blueberries to your cat’s diet.